The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)

28 Waterloo Courier April 15, 1980 SPECIAL APPEARANCE, MOTION OR ANSWER, in th lowa District Court for Black Hawk County, ot the courthouse In Woterloo, lowa. (on or before the 20tft day of May. ivtc.l luagment by default will be rendered against you for th relief apmonded In the petition. CLERK OP THE DISTRICT COURT lock Hawk County Courthouse Waterloo, lowa To Sell Any Merchandise Priced at '250 or LmH LINES 4 CONSECUTIVE DAYS Survey shows Price Lab tenure rules among nation's toughest Person (fit's Prim Individuals only (no butiniii, groups or orgtnltiliont). Mercrursdita tor aala ada only (dot! not includa rummigt or gang salts).

By; June Ooringtr Ueouty NOTE: I Persons named at defendants Each iiom muit Da prlctd in tha ad and must toil lor no mort mm Sisu. Imps minimum lor Paraon-lo-Parson Rat. or told Is "appear thereto and Person COURIER CLASSIFIED ADS Ada may bo eancallod lor tho eonyanlartca of Iht advfftiitr, but thtrt will ba no ehanga in coat ol ad. These words are not always understood. The required dp.

peorance moy be mode either by th defendant or by detendonf't attorney. IT IS NECESSARY TO Sale Miscellaneous 890 950 Legal Sporting Good 880 850 Lawn-Garden SERVE AND FILE A SPECIAL APPEARANCE. MOTION OR PIEAOING TO PREVENT A DEFAULT I RULE 171. 1 The ottorrtty who I eipected fa (appear tor) REPRESENT the defendant should USEO PIPE AND STEEL Buy tcrao Iron ond metal IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN STOCK, hp. Rote Hoe.

muM rolotlllert and Loon Bay FOR BLACK HAWK COUNTY VIC FULLER 233-2S4 mowers Dewar Hardware lev IN Rf THE MARRAIGE OF JAMES Comer Birmingham ond Mitchell be promptly advised by demmunt of D. HARTLEY AND CHONG SUK i P. John Dm rotofilier, ciint me service at mis notice. KILN ORIEO LUMBER WANTED RAW FURS I FUR CO. 2851 BURTON AVE.

W10O, I A. 232-1222 cond. to WOinut. ook. cherry, butternut, birch TREASURY DEPARTMENT ejs.jeit BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO OPEN April II llt beddlno, pUnh from our own greenhouse.

Root Good variety. Gordons. Cornet ANO FIREARMS: On December AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING HARTLEY UPON THE PETITION OP JAMES 0. HARTLEY Petitioner And Concerning CHONG SUK HARTLEY Respondent EQUITY NO 29631 ORIGINAL NOTICE 179, the tollowtno were aeiied ot HA eUorutJ. waverly wrn.

open i Sales. Service, Installation FEREDAY'S PRO-AM GOLF CARS GARY 5 SKI DOO 4, Box SO, Guttenberg, County of Clayton, lowa, for violation of II SC, Chapter 44: Revolver: One, 213411 SIMPLICITY Lawn ond Garden Eowo INDEPENDENCE. IA. J34-37J1 Frsrtorv Aijtheriied Sole and Service BUY. oNI.

tradt most anvthino High Standard, Long horn Convertible blue Steel. 9 shot. .23 cat 9" hnrrvl Si GALLON DRUMS with lids IS. 212 1292 TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPON ROB8YS 104 Honno Blvd. 2334154 (ILERS 232 S47B DENT: M05I747; One, Arminlus, Model WANTED: lorof auontltv Of By DAN DUN DON Assistant City Editor CEDAR FALLS-Price Laboratory School has some of the most rigorous faculty hiring and tenure standards in the nation, accordirig to a recent survey.

The survey by Dr. Jerry Duea, acjiiiinistrative assistant at Price Lab, includes 76 of the 94 laboratory schools in the country. Of the schools responding, only one. Price Lab, requires a person to have doctorate degree to be hired as a faculty member. The Cedar Falls school also is one of only six surveyed schools to require a doctorate degree for tenure.

I'M- OFFICIALS refused to comment directly on Duea's survey results. However, Dr. James Martin, vice president for academic affairs, said the same standards are applied to faculty at Price Lab as are applied elsewhere at the university. In some departments, Martin said, the standards oinnot be met because of a shortage of faculty in certain areas. No such shortage exists with respect to Education Department faculty, he said.

According to the survey, 75 percent of the responding lab schools listed a master's degree as the minimum level of education in order to be hired. At Price Lab, a person with a master's degree may be hired, but only on a temporary basis until a faculty member with a doctorate is found. To obtain tenure, 45 percent of the Institutions surveyed required a master's degree plus additional credit hours. CONCRETE STEPS, damaged, no ctapspeot. Will haul.

2B-086. I HW7, .22 magnum barrel, I shot, blue peel, SN 757074; One. Ivor WE BUY NIGHT CRAWLERS WATERLOO SPORTS SUPPLY III SYCAMORE WATERLOO ond used. Big discounts I LISTER CONCRETE PRODUCTS You ore hereby notified mot there ft now on tile in the office of the Clerk ot the above Court, a Petition the above entitled action, which Petition Johnson, nickel, shot, iu" barrel, 71 14 Commercial 232-4727 1 P. GARDEN TILLER Only used 32 col.

SN 17725: Rifles: One II SILVERLINE. SO hp. Runt prays far a dissolution of the mar seasons I50 wm oner Winchester, Model 190, .22 col USED oil tanks. SJ0 1st came, 1st riage ot petitioner ond Respondent. good Sklit and rope.

Spartan roller, 5 rear new tires. S3. 000 or moss otter. teml-dutomotlc, SN 397522. with served FEREDAY Heating Nig SEARS n.

ridWJ froctor with nxMowor ond 34 mower Omtr ornchod Tosco s9IV, variable, The Petitioner's attorney is waiter W. Rothschild, whose address 227A tvoadway 23J 4il 578341 Surnner eitrot. Coll 2347710 offer 4 m. scope and ring mounts; One, Winchester, Model 9422M, .22 East Stn Street, Waterloo, Iowa 50703. schools a doctorate Is a mc5Je important cofisideration in the promotion of laboratory Khool faculty than it is in consideration for tenure.

About half of the IrLstiUitions at which acadonk rank was offered, a doctorate was required for promotion to associate professor. This is the general rule at UNI as well. Nearly 90 percent of the schools required a (tetorate for promotion to full professor in a laboratory school. Research and publication were found to be more bnportant In evaluation for promotion than in employment and tenure considerations, according to the study. Of the institutions responding, teaching ability was listed as the primary criterion for hiring and tenure consideration.

Academic rank and years of erperience were listed as less important criteria In tenure and hiring decisions by the majority of schools. THE SURVEY was compiled by mailing qwsstionrtaires to 94 laboratory schools in 29 states (Price Lab is the only laboratory school in Iowa). Duea classified schools as being either comrrehensive (kindergarten through 12th grade) or limited sciiools. The survey also was divided according to public and private schools. The survey found the faculty standards for the public comprehensive laboratory schools generally were more stringent than limited schools and private lab schools.

Duea said he was partially motivated to do the study because of the controversial nature of tenure at Price Lab. "People were always coming to me and asking what was the policy at other lab schools, so I decided to find out," he said. A GROUP OF parents of Price Lab students Is fighting to save the jobs of five faculty members who have been denied tenure because they lack doctorates. Representatives of the group plan to attend the Board of Regents meeting later this week in an attempt to discuss the issue. The parents claim a doctorate was not a requirement for tenure when the five faculty members were hired.

I97J GLASTRON trl-hull, flberolost. I CRAFTSMAN 10 IN. TABLE SAW 2334)1 It You ore further notified that unkm. on PRECISION GARDEN SEEDER- walk through windshield, no magnum, lever action, SN FH294t, or before the Sth ooy ot May, I9N, ftp More, power trim, trailer, snotguni: one, Ithaca, Model 37. 12 different seed piotes.

toves seed. mm and tabor. Hat row mareef, CAR wash equipment, entrance lights you serve, anil within a reasonable lockets and voiti. TO. mnn pump, barrel length Inches, covers and pots S4XJ Ml IS In time tnereatter me, a written specioi ond roto pnote converter tor I phot equipment, overhead gorogo doors.

ventilated rib, S'N 311010100; One, II FT. Tnunaerbird Formula II. 20 apoear once, motion or answer, in th aprinatieia. Model 7 series C. 20 go 277.VWS MICO Oil CO.

IO. Shoretond trailer, run contra. FOSTER'S eth Jefferson lowa District court tar Block Hawk Pump, with 28" barrel, ventilated rib. ertrot 99-2723 Dike WOODEN desk and chair S150; hanging SN B77UII: and One. Stevens.

MmSsI County, ot the courthouse In Waterloo, lowa. judgment by default 311 Series .410 bore, double barrel fumoce S100; commercial ice moker ISO; old creomry milk cons 110; old will be rendered ogoinst you tor th Coal-Wood-Fuel 855 tide by tide, S'N C9995K). Any person upright piono 7S 94 5979 evenings relief demanded In the petition. claiming an interest In sold property ROCKWELL ploner, 1 ft.p. SEASONED FIREWOOD Oak ond mople.

291437 or 234-041 nay rue a Claim ona a cost bond in the Dtnol sum of 1250. as orovided hw JOAN M. GLAZA Clerk of the above Court lack Hawk County Courthouse CUB MI. It Your Marine Headquarters for automatic feed, 52 00 232 5711 jecnon Hi), use, with th Eiocuumn hfapinG pickup load. undersigned on or before May I.

1990; TWO I T. HOISTS ri btomt ond wheels. 234460 Seasoned hardwood. DELIVERED Waterloo, lowa By: June Doringer Deputy otherwise th property will be an) STACKED 2774332 GLASS flrepioce doors, never used, lorreireo ano ditpotea ot according to low. D.M.

Silverman. Reolonol NOTE: The attorney who it expected to EVINRUDE SPIRIT OUTBOARD FISHER MARINE SILVERLINE frames ond screens 234-3; MIXED firewood, delivered til SO, PlcHup. 234 tag or 2324) isj represent the Respondent should be Administrative Officer, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, 230 LUND ond PROCRAFT BASS BOATS SEARS Pull tent. S20S new, used promptly advised by Respondent of timet 1125. Goose decays moo 135.

me service Of tnit Notice. About 41 percent of the schools simply required a master's degree. Only about 12 percent of the schools required a doctorate degree for tenure. South Dearborn Street, 15th NOW sowing, now ook lumber, any dimension. 31471 2111 Traer reg IIS 12 mag.

duck 120. 294-29SI intcooo, Illinois 60004. NOTICE of Probate of Will, of Appoint- menf of Executor and Notice to U.I. 2710 0279 4001Y TREASURY DEPARTMENT. WOOD PALLETS, 41.40 Some ook, tome ton wood 9M-S163 HEAVY HAULER TKAILSH5 LOWRANCE DEPTH FINDERS O'BRIEN CONLEY SKIIS and OTHER BOAT ACCESSORIES Hwy.

218 Waterloo 296-2833 Open I to I Dally, 'til 6 on Wed. Creditors. In th lowa District Court, Black Hawk County. In the Matter of BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO Rummage-Garage Sales DUEA SAID he was surprised by the results of the me Estate ot Nicholas Q. Ehr, De 860 AND FIREARMS: On December STUDIO rug loom SI 40 Weaver Delight ceased Probate No.

1605. ivv, the tallowing was seized in the rug loom usu. colored warp rut tube. To All Persons Interested in the Estate JM woveriy vicinity of Eismon island, Box SO HA 4, Guttenberg, County of Cloyton, BIG bosernenf talo. children and adult ctothtna.

household Items and much survey question concerning hiring requirements. Although he said he was aware of Price Lab's outstanding reputation among laboratory schools, he did not expect of Nicholas G. Eftr, Deceased: BROILER grill; riding ond rotary You are ftereoy notified thot on the 3rd misc. J7 owning, evansowe, wan. lowa.

tor violation ot Chapter 40, Title II U.S.C.: One. DuPont electric ooy of April, ino, me last win gna wed MX radial tires; 7Vi h.p boat motor. 277- ttttoment at Nicholas o. Ehr, the school to be alone in requiring a doctorate for hiring. 723 blasting cap.

approximately IVb inches long, having blue ond green leg wires. GARAGErummag tale. Adult, Children clothing, furniture, mitt ceased, bearing dote of the Sth day of March, 1974, was admitted to probate In the abov named court ond that The survey also found that at the majority of surveyed 4 it. lona, leap is ahim num colored). BUILT-IN fireplace with Hue.

Picture ICANOESI Eorly bird sale. Grumman, AlumoCroft. MlchlCraft Osogian 17' fteat treat, S29 IBOATSI Lund, MirroCroft, AlumoCroft, PolorCrort, Monork. Prices will go up, buy now. 14 AKimaCratl boat, 1359.

Bast boat closeouft. IwJO Johnson and Mercury sol. SO used outboords. I year guarantee. Tilt boot trailers.

J3I5 frade. Stork's, Prolrl ou ClUen, Wise. Open Sundays. Compart prices. PH.

OJ)-32t-247l Ml Columbia Wed Sot Any person clolmlng an Interest In window. 4V'kl'. 21-036 Mory E. Ehr wo oppointtdessKUtor ecsa property may file 0 cioim ona a cast bond In the penol sum of S250, at USED CMC miners, to I Cu. got PRICE garage tale Wednetdoy amy to Everything goes Come on ot tola estate.

Any action to set aside told wilt mutt be provided by Section 7325, USC, with andeiec priced to sein WOOLSEV EQUIPMENT over, its ponon the undersigned on or before May 1, 1W0; otherwise the property will be lltft Commercial 2344331 GARAGE SALE. Clotnlng, tmoll thru Drought in the district court of told county within sis months from the dote of the second publication of IMS Service wants to count deaf lowans HANO crocheted flag. 30 Alto nond extra lorge. Lot or misc. Tnun Frl.

to 5 pm 114 Bertch SKI boat. 1' Checkmate, 1 IS hp. Evlnrude, trailer. Eitrot. Like new.

14,195 Will trade. 2M-557 cnxnetea large, loDieciom. 4v-a4e notice, or thereafter be fat barred. forfeited and disposed of according to low. D.M.

Sitvermon, Regional Administrative Officer, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco ond Firearms. 230 South Dearborn Street. 15th Clufier BAsem*nT tale, 3012 Folll Tueidor Saturday, to 7 Notice It further given thot all person INE wood frame storm windows, indebted te said estate are requested GARAGE wie. CB, man't bKrcle and 31151'. 232-44M ONE of E.

Iowa's largett selection of hand guns In stock. SPORT SHOP, Oelweln 213-3301 Chicago. Illinois 60404. DES MOINES (DP A) How many lowans are deaf? Where are deaf persons located in the state? What services do they most need? These are some of the questions Deaf Services of Iowa more. 124 Ackermant St mok Immediate payment to th undersigned, ond creditor having ctoimt ogoinst told estate shall file 3 BRIGGSoat eng.

transfer pumps In th Juvenile Court in ond for RUMMAGE. crott tole 310S Cedar si5 eocn 914-5391 tnem witn me clerk ot me a WANT A REAL DEAL Block Howk County, lowa. Juvenile No. 2151. Notice of Hearing.

In the Interest of Johnnie Coilett, a child. Knoll Circle. Lot Circle 13. Frl. named district court, ot provided by CAR seat, walker, stroller, is trying to answer in its upcoming census project.

Swing, law, duly authenticated, tor al Glrl't bike, clothina, tow other baby Items. 235-122 lowonce; ond unlet so filed within To: Johnnie Coilett, father. Address unknown. You ore hereby notified thot mMc Wed. only to 4.

No six months from the second publico. STROLLER, high chair, portobl Boise M. Lietzow, director of Deaf Services, said Hon of mis notice (unlet otherwise a petition hot been tiled in the office of the Clerk of the Juvenile Court, oavance Met. San salvaaor ion Cotumout Dr.) typewriter, portable radio, tervtli allowed or paid) such claim shall lowans are being asked to send the name and address of rocket and cassette recorder. vi Block Howk County, lowo, olleging ttwieurtet forever barred.

2322 thot the above-named child it Dated this 3rd day at Apr II. Hag. Dogs-Cats-Pets 870 USEO 3 partial rolls of woven wire; 1 any deaf person they know to the service at the Iowa State Department of Health. The names and informatioo will be confidential. Mory e.

cw Executor of told Etfof partial roll of welded wire; iron yora gauge; 3 house ownfngt; 2 cost Iran BIGGEST DISCOUNTS OF THE YEAR THIS WEEK 90 rtayi tarn cash mo terms (15 A.P.R. owl A-l Vacatiofilaod delinquent. You ore further notified that me Court hot entered an order setting this for hearing at 9 30 o'clock the torn Ooy of May, 1910, in the City Hall In Cedar Falls, lowo. You are Rorol Routt a 1, AKC OOBERMAN twin dog. tralntd.

Eilert. 232 Sit Jetup, low 5SMI Ms. Lietzow said the census is necessary to plan ond I metal sink 2 nous railings; child's rocking horse; adult bicycle, need some ports. 235-044 AT STUD: Reg Springer Spaniel 2344792 evening! Attorneys for sold Executor programs and determine the needs of deaf lowans. No 714 First Street East, Independence, lowa 5044 further notified thot, ot result of this hearing, the custody of the child could be taken from you ond the child pioced out of your home.

Therefore, you have right to be represented by Hwy. 211 Cedar Foils 2-r42 Wanted 895 such count has been made in the history of Iowa. co*ckER PUPPIES Greene Siult Kemelt 515 173-43T MatterLnarge ana Visa Date ot second publication IStftdrjyof Aorll, mo. 1400400 new ond used boots and RGENTLY neededl Scrap Probate Code, Section 304.

AT pud: Reg. Miniature apricot Poodle 2U-S740 aluminum, brass, copper, radiators, RECENT ESTIMATES indicate there are 184,017 hear twsts. Open 7 days a week. I to t. HANSON'S MARINE INC.

and botterlet. Any amount NOTICE ot Probate of Will, of Appoint- an attorney at the hearing and should employ one. If you ore financially unable to hire on attorney the Court will appoint one for you. It you notify the Clerk of Juvenile Court of this fact within five days offer you receive fhit CLEAR LAKE, IA. 515.357-5293 MIDWEST IRON METALS it of Executor ond Notice to ing impaired persons in Iowa.

Of that number, an estimated 27,052 are deaf. AFGHAN puot. to 7 weekl. AKC champion bloodllnet. Shot ond wormed I12S.

31 571 3421 2724 Lafayette St. 233IPI3 Creditors In the lowa District Court, 1971 22' CRESTLINER 260 Merc IO. Black Hawk County. In the Matter of BUY, sell, trad most anything the Estate ol George P. Westllc self contotned, extras.

25 down, owner will finance of 12V I27-S2 Jetup notice, if you do not employ on ILERS 233 5470 For the census, Ms. Lietzow said the social definition of ako Geo. F. westllc. Deceases.

attorney or notify the Clerk within the REG. Dooermon PlnKher, red ond rutt, I yr. old. Good wotchdog ond good with kK. 230-1713 Probate No.

3429. ATTENTION! MIDWEST PAPER STOCK 19 FT VIKING boat. IO. 4 cyl Chev. To All Persons Interested In the Estate tpecitied time thot you with on attorney, you will deemed to have waived thlt right.

buy newspaper ond cordboard. 277. deafness rather than a medical one will be used. A deaf Iowan, therefore, is any person in the state who cannot hear the spoken word without a hearing aid. of George F.

Westllc. ako Geo. F. co*ckER Spaniel puppies, AKC. thott.

Ock Seegmlller, Dytart, 47I-M2S 4422 I to 5 Monday thru Friday, I to Westllc. Deceased: engine, tope deck, load trailer, 2 years old, used very little, like new. 319-352-5172 days. 319-352-2521 eves Wavtrly jean Zimmerman, Deputy tiers Of Juvenile Court 12 Saturday Vou ore hereby notified that on th lOtft AKC reglttered English Springer Spaniel. mo.

old Nmate. 6o-3e09 otter JO p.m. In addition to the persons name and address, the day at April, 190, me lost win ond testament of George p. westllc, WANTED: CHAIN SAWS REASONABLE. 203 Mt SPECIAL-Zebcs 202t ond 404s: SAVE aka Go.

F. westllc. deceased, WANTED: old wooden radios, need PUREBRED SPITZ PUPPIES 3 mot. old 3S-243 Fair bonk bearing dot of tho 20th day of October, 1970, wat admitted to pro make, model no. ond price.

Write; St. Toylor Jigs. Big tlsft contest. Mlstluippl Guide Service Avail. 24 HOUR SERVICE LANSING SPORT SHOP Bill Coolohan, 1450 Miami N.E., bate in the ooo ve named court and Scholarships are awarded by SIBERIAN Husky pups, 2 molet, btock ond white.

Mue lyet. SI5-3M-2377 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 53402 that Moml J. Westllc wat appointed West edge of Laming, la. 533-4971 executor ot saio estate. Any action to set aside said will mutt be FREE port Lob ond Irish Setter pupL weeks old.

342-2543 BUY SILVER AND GOLD Coin, rings, etc. 214 5114 after Construction Equip. 885 brougnr in tne district court ot saio county within tlx montht from the dote of the second publication ot this AMVETpost WE buy gold, silver, sterling and P.B. puppies. Yorkshirt Terrier t.

SIOS up. -2047 or 2-12W 300 AMP portable welder. Older. In diamonds. K't pawn shop, 441 Ld notice, or mereofter be forever super good cond 7JJ jvii, to 4 30 Port 2354)111 AMVET Post 19 of barred.

AKC Collie puppies, lovely, 1125 thru S17S. Ovjmpionthlp thaw lino. eeS-454 Shell Rock Notice It further given that all person Classified Ads will help Waterloo has awarded two SaleMiscellaneous 890 inaeotea to said estor are requested long. PARTICAL board strips, I you find a new car and a buyer for the old one! to make Immedidfe payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims ogaintt said estate shall the scholarships to sons of AMVET members. SIBERIAN HUSKY, mot.

old, blue eves, good with kidt. Owners moving, ISO. M4-I5S 251 each. 232-1292 Without the interpreter, Ms. Lietzow said, some of these tasks would be impossible, others just more difficult.

However, she said, "usually the deaf persons would just not go." Communication between a deaf person and a hearing person often is through the written word, but Ms. Lietzow said that has its limitations, especially when either person becomes frustrated. SHE SAID THAT in one instance an interpreter was used to ease communication between a lawyer and client who had spent hours writing and had reams of paper stacked up. Both were relieved when the interpreter showed up. Ms.

Lietzow said services for the deaf in Iowa have a long way to go but are looking better. An interpreter bill which would require Iowa courts to pay for interpreters when dealing with the deaf is pending in the Legislature, she said, and many private sector businesses and groups are working toward better deaf services. Northwestern Bell Telehpone she said, is proposing to reduce long-distance rates for persons using teletype communication devices on their phones because it takes from three to 30 times longer to communicate on the device than it does to speak. The highway patrol, vocational rehabilitation and the capitol have installed the devices to allow the deaf to communicate via phone. Other needs of the deaf include counseling, and expanded adult education programs, Ms.

Lietzow said. Names of deaf lowans for the census should be sent to Deaf Services of Iowa, Iowa State Department of Health, Third Floor, Lucas Building, Des Moines, Iowa 50319. Rep. Harkin will speak at 3rd District dinner U.S. Rep.

Tom Harkin will be the featured speaker at the 3rd District Democratic dinner Friday at 7:30 p.m. at the Machinists Union Hall, 1346 W. Airline Highway. The dinner will be followed by a program by Lois Dostart, Mason City party activist, and Mike Sheridan, Cerro Gordo Democratic county chairman. Black Hawk County supervisor Lynn Cutler, the 3rd District congressional nominee, also will speak.

The event will honor all past congressional candidates from the 3rd District, including those who ran in the primaries. Cost of the tickets is $10, and they can be purchased at the door, at the Cutler for Congress headquarters, 224 E. Fourth or from Democratic county chairmen and legislators. For further information, call Cutler headquarters at 232-1530. Waterloo man charged with false imprisonment A Waterloo man surrendered to police Monday on a complaint that he held a woman against her will overnight in November of 1978.

Arthur Lee Porter, 30, of 610 Glenwood is charged them with the clerk of the abov The scholarships are named district court, ot provided by NEED componianship dog, mutt be housebroken ond troined. 233-I7VS idw, duly outftenticdted, for ol- awarded each year as a memorial to John Kyle, a FEMALE Blue Tick, reg. UKC; female English Blue Tick, 2MS7I lowonce; ond unlet so filed within tlx montht from th second publication of this notice (unlett otherwise Stitch' 1 nTIKE past post commander. allowed or paid) such clctm shall REGISTERED Persian klttent, $50. I 2U 5724 Oelweln thereafter be forever barred.

Receiving the $300 Doted this 101ft day of April, 1980. Mamie J. Westllc Executor of told Ettat LONE TREE KENNELS Basic obedience training classes beginning April 21 ond May 3. For Into call lt-Ml. R.

I Soft, So Soft! scholarships this year are Kevin J. Leyen of 801 Black Hawk Road and J. David Hurinicutt of 540 E. Ben 1542 East cedar Wopsie, Dunkertan, lowa 5062 BLACK 3 mo. old male Great Dane 232-24M Evans.

Garteio 4 Wagner Attorneys for said Executor service needs to know whenever possible whether the person became deaf before or after age 20. Deaf Services, created in 1975, offers deaf lowans interpreters to help them in many situations. Ms. Lietzow said interpreters have been used to help deaf lowans with legal services, medical services, social programs, financial situations, housing and personal assistance situations such as funeral planning, consumer inquiries, driver license applications and other situations where complete and accurate communication is required. District court log PLEADING GUILTY to a charge of second degree theft was Eric Dean Giberson, 21, of 3117 University Drive, Apt.

2, Cedar Falls. He admitted taking $1,400 worth of stereo equipment from Pla-Mar Lounge at Black Hawk Village Shopping Center April 14, 1977. Sentencing will be May 16. A CHARGE of second degree burglary was dismissed and third degree and second degree theft charges were filed against Royce Tarvella Arnold, 33, of 433 W. Donald in connection with the theft of items from Connie Hawkins, 1309 Sycamore Apt.

5, Jan. 9. TRIAL FOR Emery J. Hendricks, 34, of 2502 Mtimore was set for May 27 after he pleaded innocent to a charge of second offense driving while under the Influence of intoxicating beverages. He was arrested by Waterloo police Feb.

19. PLEADING innocent to an amended charge of second degree burglary and a second charge of being a habitual criminal was Curtis J. Roberts, 27, of the Riverview Release Center in Newton. He is accused of breaking into the Agnes Johnson residence, 709 E. Lantz Cedar Falls, Jan.

5 and taking items valued at about $6,000. Trial was set for May 27. nington Road. 2 AKC CHIHUAHUAS, male and female, SS each. 2 AKC Pekingese, mole and female, OS each.

3M 77 Suite 250 Woterloo Saving Bonk, Waterloo, lowa 50701 Leyen, son of Mertle C. Date of second publication 22nd day of Aorll. 190. SIBERIAN HUSKIES, AKC 7 all thott. SIS 7v2 734 Newton Probate Code.

Section 304. THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FREE to good home, female block Lab, all thott. good with kidt. 277-7223 offer p.m. STATE OF IOWA IN ANO FOR BLACK HAWK COUNTY and the late Flores S.

Leyen, will graduate from Central High School this spring. He ranks 39th in his class of 310 students and has a 3.565 grade point average. He plans to attend Iowa State University and BANCO MORTGAGE COMPANY, on lowa corporation Plolntltt, y. Sporting Goods 880 9444 RODNEY E. HAVENS, VIVIAN CASH tor guns, Schtell Sport Shops.

Crossroads. Block Hawk Village LOUISE HAVENS, kO VIVIAN L. HAVENS, JANIS M. HAVENS, and II STEURY Cruiser, SO hp. Mercury and trailer 14400.

234-314 MICHAEL C. DUNBAR, pursue a degree in veterinary medicine. No. 60002 BEAT the Spring rush. Tune your outboard now Authorlxed Evinrude, Johnson, Chrysler ond Mariner ORIGINAL NOTICE FOR PUBLICA TION Hunnicutt, stepson of Mr.

service. Live bolt. Buying THE AlOVi NAMED OEFENDANT(S): nigntcrawiers. pus i els uut-BOARD SERVICE. 3419 Lafayette.

Evansdale. 2321491, -7l and Mrs. Robert Orton, graduated from Denver 9 1 You are hereby notlcied that flier It now on tile in tne off ice ot the Clerk at the above court, a petition in the J. HIGGINS automatic shotgun with High School last May, rank rlO. SIB 234-1 it above entitled action, which petition CUSHMAN golf car with charger, near new batteries, t'25.

mi prays for ludgment In the amount ot 843,355.42. with Interest thereon at the rate of 9.5 per cent per annum from the 14th day of March 1980, on ing eighth in a class of 95 with a 3.363 grade point average. Ipj iftih the first Mortgage Note made, ex- ecuted dnd delivered to Banco He is attending Hawkeye Mortgage Company, by the said Rodney E. Havens and Vivian Louise FISHING BOATS Lund, AlumaCratt, Monork, Seo Nymph, pontoons, lOs, cruisers, decks, pedal boots, canoes, boat docks ond lifts, Johnson, Mercury motors 7.5 11; 140 hp. 12,350, all other sites at lowest prices.

SPOONER SPORTS TAMA, IA Havens, on or about the 22nd day of September 1971, which said defen dants agreed to pay, ond subsequent. ly thereto had been duly and legally assigned to thlt Plaintiff, which 515414-2201 evet 414-2207 Institute of Technology's electronics course and plans to study for a degree in electrical engineering. Elmwood group amount Include! lote charges, defi 2 JOHNSON outboards. good shape, 1974 15 p. S5U.

193 II ft tSM ciency In Trust Account, and con tinuation of obstroct of title. Plaintiff's Petition further asks for the costs of this action Including Ik statutory attorney's tee ona otner Itemt of expense perm Itted to be paid 7135 officers elected SPECIAL SALE PRICES ON NEW JOHNSON FISHliNG MOTORS by mis piointitt, and that tne ag gregate of oil sold sum In ludgment be touna, determined ono decreed to be first and vdild lien on th Kenneth Stultz was following described property, elected president of the situated In Hack Hawk County, Waterloo Elmwood lowa, fo-wn: The Southwesterly Forty (401 feet of Cemetery Association dur tne southeasterly one Hundred fiorj) Denver 'Good Neighbor Da set Courier News Service DENVER April 26 has been set for the second "Good Neighbor Day" for residents of Denver. On that date, volunteers will be offering their services to anyone in Denver who needs assistance with yard' work, storm windows and screens, washing windows, minor spring repairs, etc. Coordinator for the year's efforts is Mrs. Paul Barth, 964-6081, and anyone needing help or wishing to volunteer should contact her.

The work-day will begin at 9 a.m. and lunch will be furnished for the volunteers at St. Peter Lutheran Church. Volunteers are asked to report to the church by 9 a.m. that day.

Mrs. Barth emphasized that it is not necessary to be elderly, needy or otherwise singled out to ask for the help. "This is simply a Good Neighbor Day, and anyone who can use help is urged to take advantage of this opportunity." Cleaning supplies and repair parts needed are to be furnished by those seeking help. Volunteers are asked to bring along rakes, hoes, whey they report to work. feet of Lot No.

Nine (9), In "Miller's 4th Addition In Waterloo, ing the group's, annual meeting Monday night. virtue of first Real Estate OPEN9-I Weekdays, Sat 94 "The Ploce By The Water Tower" 3200 UNIVERSITY AVE. 234-3031 SINGLE snowmobile trailer, tilt bed. Eacellent condition. 233-909 GUARANTEED USEO FISHIN' MOTORS Other officers elected are Mortgage mode, executed and delivered to Banco Mortgoge Company, by the told Rodney E.

Havens and E.E. Schmidt, vice presi vivton L. Hovens, doted on or about SIZES 8-20 the 22nd day of September 1971, that the tome be ettobllthed ond con-firmed ond foreclosed and sold under dent and executive director, and Lida Schmidt, secretary-treasurer. 74 4 p. Evlnruae J349 Evlnrude $39 74 ri h.p.

Sears. S229 75 15 ft p. Evln-electrlc $749 execution In quantity ond manners turricwnr to pay ptointm debts, together with costs and accru Also, Mrs. Robert A. In TlTi4- 70 II ft p.

Evltvelectrlc 75 5 ft p. Johnton.monuol 1 ing costs full, ond that any right, with false imprisonment. Bond was set at $1,000. Porter allegedly held against her will Susan Hess, formerly of 1815 Lafayette in her home overnight on Nov. 9, 1978.

She subsequently was hospitalized for a cut wrist. Evansdale police log TWO OUT-OF-TOWN residents were arrested Saturday afternoon on complaints of soliciting without a permit. Bobby D. Bamett, 19, of Morristown, and James R. Penwarden, 19, of Springfield, 111., were arrested after they were observed selling magazines door-to-door in the 1700 block of Enid Street.

Crime unit names Waverly man WAVERLY Michael Tripolino. Waverly. has been named as one of four area coordinators for the Iowa Crime Prevention Coalition. Tripolino is a former Waverly policeman, Bremer County deputy sherirT and a graduate of St. Ambrose College, Davenport, and the Iowa Law Enforcenent Academy.

As coordinator of Area 3, Tripolino will be responsible for programs in Bremer County-Waverly; Clinton County-Clinton; and Tama County-Tam a-Toledo. The Crime Coalition was formed to organize local crime prevention programs. Oelwein Marine completes training 0ELWEIN (CNS)-Marine Pvt. Terry J. Tafolla, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Clem Tafolla of Oelwein, has completed recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego. 12' Lund cortop new S399 14' Lowe Line cortop new S399 title or interest that you. or ocfi of you, might hove or claim to hove Brown was elected to a seven-year term on the association's board of direc and to the tome, be found, decreed and determined to be tuntor ond Inferior to the Plaintiffs Mortgage aSEN BOAT HOUSE HWY 20 I WASHINGTON CEDAR FALLS 277-4444 MON. FRI 1:304 SAT 1:30 5:30 SUNDAY 11-5 tors.

She replaces John B. lien; that your equity of redemption Large ptneappie curve around petty yoke. n't en one piece' Crochet Ihia lacy, femnfie acket from trie drawstring neckline down Use 2 errand ol bedspread cotton. Note lacy pattern etttcti. Pattern 713S tilelS 10: 12-14 a SI 76 tor each pattern Add SOc etch partem tor Iral-claae airma and han-dhng Send to Akce Brooks, Needkl' craft Dept.

313. Waterloo Courier Bo 1S3. OM Chelsea Station. New York, NY 1001t. Pnnt Name, Adoreei.

Z. Pattern Number. EXCITING! New 1 S60 NEE0LECRAFT CATALOG with over 170 oesgnt i greet variety ot cratta 3 tree pattern naae Send 11 00 132-QmtOnginatt 1 SO 131-AddaBKKkOuitta Si 60 130-Satrt-8ue 38-56 .11 60 129-Ouck'Easy Tranttert 11 SO 128 Patchwork Oust 11 50 1 27- Alghant Do $1 50 1 28- Crelty Fiowera 11 60 125-PaMOmta S1 60 Cvnementt 11 60 1 23-SMch Patch Oumt Si 60 1 22 Stuff Putt Quit SI 50 121-PoShowOtte 11 50 1 1 7- Eaty NeerMponf 1150 118- Nitty Fifty Oueta SI 50 1 1 5-nppHt Crochet 11 60 113-lnitant Gifts SI 60 1 10-16 Jiffy Rug II 50 10a-SeIKr II 60 1 08-nttent Macrame 11 50 106-inttant Fashion 11 50 105-mstsnt Crochet 11 50 103-15 Quittt tor Today 1150 101 Cult Collection 1160 Young. be forever barred ond foreclosed, wcept the statutory right of redemp IN STOCK Browning BT99. Ithaca 700 tion and thot Receiver be appointed During the meeting, trap ond Remington 7200 tkeet to take possession of the abov DEWAR HARDWARE 23S-)057 plans were made for road improvement and continued upgrading of the cemetery grounds.

USED BOAT RIGS Neat LI "I Minny boss rig, 17 25 ho described premises dnd apply th rents and profits therefrom to poy oil remaining amounts upon the told turn owing the Plolnf Iff herein under Order of this Court, ond possession to continue until period of redemption or until the turns ore paid in fun. PHMntlff, in sold Petition, asks for Juopment In Rem oaalnst the proper Chrysler and trotter, only 1995 sharp The dress nee gone LOOSE. SOFT. FLUID1 Looks end teM rntrvelout on, ei to meny tobnes irty. taeu crepe.

vos Sew it tor summer Pnmod Pettem 944 Metes' Sizes I. 10. 12. 14. IB.

11. 20 Sue 12 loutt 34 take 3 '4 yard tS-eich fobnc Send 11 75 tor each pattern Add SO tor tech pattern for tr si -cists temta. Iwnowig Send to Moron Morn. Pet Mm Dept 400. YVetanoo Courier 232 west lath New York, NY 1001 1 Fmt NAME.

ADDRESS. ZIP, SIZE end STYLE NUMBER. MORE clothes for LESS MONEY St DOM when you tew Send now lor our NEW SPRING-SUMMER PATTERN CATALOG Over 100 styles, tree pertem coupon CeteJog. SI 120Quick'Eesy Trentlert It SO 130-Sweetert Sizes 36 56 11 SO '3l-Adde Btock Qunt SI 50 132-Qu Ortgmeit SI SO STRETCHING IT ty described herein ond otse asking Benton OKs enforcement pact VINTON A Crime Commission grant for contract law enforcement has been approved by the Benton County Board of Supervisors. The grant for $15,040 provides for police protection to Urbana, Atkins, Newhall and Norway by the sheriffs department for the period from July 1, 1980 to June 30, 1981.

Also approved Monday was a new telephone system, called Dual Dialog which will be installed to connect county offices. Cost is $24,578.66. The supervisors will meet again April 25 at 1:30 p.m. An ounce of gold, about tor oil other general and equitable relief. Th Plolnflft's attorney IS Charles T.

Moftson, whose address it 1979 MlrroCroft It Utility. 20 elec. Merc and trailer, cover, New DuroCroft utility boss, 1 Smukl. WBM disc price Like new IS Glattron, IS. p.

Merc ond trailer S3.99S; 17' Im periot 10 and trailer thorp. Only 14.191 5EE US 41 DAILY MERCURY-SUZUKI OUTBOARDS Hwy. 20 i 3rd. downtown 2354151 WBM MARINE WANTED: set of junior golt clubs, good condition. 27749M 2327 Foils Avenue, Waterloo, lowo the size of a half dollar, can be drawn into a fine wire 50 miles long or hammered into a thin sheet 100 feet 50701.

You are further notified thot unlet. ON OR BEFORE THE 14th DAY OF MAY, 190, you loooeor thereto and defend) SERVE, AND WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME square, according to National Geographic. THEREAFTER FILE. A WRITTEN.

The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.