Issue 5 Revision 16 OC9 24 May 2016
DATED 09/01/2018
(This contents page does not form part of the Grid Code)
Paragraph No/Title Page Number
OC9.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 22
OC9.2 OBJECTIVE .......................................................................................................................................... 22
OC9.3 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................. 33
OC9.4 BLACK START ...................................................................................................................................... 33
OC9.4.1 - OC9.4.4 Total Shutdown And Partial Shutdown....................................................................... 33
OC9.4.5 Black Start Stations .................................................................................................................... 33
OC9.4.6 Black Start Situation ................................................................................................................... 44
OC9.4.7 Black Start .................................................................................................................................. 44
OC9.5 RE-SYNCHRONISATION OF DE-SYNCHRONISED ISLANDS ...................................................... 1212
OC9.5.2 Options ................................................................................................................................... 1212
OC9.5.3 Choice Of Option .................................................................................................................... 1414
OC9.5.4 Agreeing Procedures .............................................................................................................. 1515
OC9.6 JOINT SYSTEM INCIDENT PROCEDURE ...................................................................................... 1717
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Operating Code No.9 ("OC9") covers the following:
OC9.1.1 Black Starts
The implementation of recovery procedures following a Total Shutdown or Partial
OC9.1.2 Re-Synchronisation Of Islands
The Re-Synchronisation of parts of the Total System which have become Out of
Synchronism with each other irrespective of whether or not a Total Shutdown or Partial
Shutdown has occurred.
OC9.1.3 Joint System Incident Procedure
The establishment of a communication route and arrangements between senior
management representatives of NGET and Users involved in, or who may be involved in, an
actual or potential serious or widespread disruption to the Total System or a part of the
Total System, which requires, or may require, urgent managerial response, day or night, but
which does not fall within the provisions of OC9.1.4.
OC9.1.4 It should be noted that under section 96 of the Act the Secretary of State may give
directions to NGET and/or any Generator and/or any Supplier, for the purpose of "mitigating
the effects of any civil emergency which may occur" (ie. for the purposes of planning for a
civil emergency); a civil emergency is defined in the Act as "any natural disaster or other
emergency which, in the opinion of the Secretary of State, is or may be likely to disrupt
electricity supplies". Under the Energy Act 1976, the Secretary of State has powers to make
orders and give directions controlling the production, supply, acquisition or use of electricity,
where an Order in Council under section 3 is in force declaring that there is an actual or
imminent emergency affecting electricity supplies. In the event that any such directions are
given, or orders made under the Energy Act 1976, the provisions of the Grid Code will be
suspended in so far as they are inconsistent with them.
OC9.1.5 NGET shall procure that Relevant Scottish Transmission Licensees shall comply with
OC9.4 and OC9.5 and any relevant Local Joint Restoration Plan or OC9 De-
Synchronised Island Procedure where and to the extent that such matters apply to them.
The overall objectives of OC9 are:
OC9.2.1 To achieve, as far as possible, restoration of the Total System and associated Demand in
the shortest possible time, taking into account Power Station capabilities, including
Embedded Generating Units, External Interconnections and the operational constraints
of the Total System.
OC9.2.2 To achieve the Re-Synchronisation of parts of the Total System which have become Out
of Synchronism with each other.
OC9.2.3 To ensure that communication routes and arrangements are available to enable senior
management representatives of NGET and Users, who are authorised to make binding
decisions on behalf of NGET or the relevant User, as the case may be, to communicate with
each other in the situation described in OC9.1.3.
OC9.2.4 To describe the role that in respect of Scottish Transmission Systems, Relevant Scottish
Transmission Licensees may have in the restoration processes as detailed in the relevant
OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedures and Local Joint Restoration Plans.
OC9.2.5 To identify and address as far as possible the events and processes necessary to enable the
restoration of the Total System, after a Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown. This is likely
to require the following key processes to be implemented, typically, but not necessarily, in the
order given below:
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(i) Selectively implement Local Joint Restoration Plans
(ii) Expand Power Islands to supply Power Stations
(iii) Expand and merge Power Islands leading to Total System energisation
(iv) Selectively reconnect Demand
(v) Facilitate and co-ordinate returning the Total System back to normal operation
(vi) Resumption of the Balancing Mechanism if suspended in accordance with the
provisions of the BSC.
OC9.3.1 OC9 applies to NGET and to Users, which in OC9 means:-
(a) Generators;
(b) Network Operators; and
(c) Non-Embedded Customers.
OC9.3.2 The procedure for the establishment of emergency support/contingency planning between
NGET and Externally Interconnected System Operators is set out in the Interconnection
Agreement with each Externally Interconnected System Operator.
OC9.3.3 In respect of Scottish Transmission Systems, OC9.4 and OC9.5 also apply to Relevant
Scottish Transmission Licensees.
Total Shutdown And Partial Shutdown
OC9.4.1 A "Total Shutdown" is the situation existing when all generation has ceased and there is no
electricity supply from External Interconnections. Therefore, the Total System has
shutdown with the result that it is not possible for the Total System to begin to function again
without NGET's directions relating to a Black Start.
OC9.4.2 A "Partial Shutdown" is the same as a Total Shutdown except that all generation has
ceased in a separate part of the Total System and there is no
electricity supply from External Interconnections or other parts of the Total System to that
part of the Total System. Therefore, that part of the Total System is shutdown with the
result that it is not possible for that part of the Total System to begin to function again
without NGET's directions relating to a Black Start.
OC9.4.3 During a Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown and during the subsequent recovery, the
Licence Standards may not apply and the Total System may be operated outside normal
voltage and Frequency standards.
OC9.4.4 In a Total Shutdown and in a Partial Shutdown and during the subsequent recovery, it is
likely to be necessary for NGET to issue Emergency Instructions in accordance with
OC9.4.5 Black Start Stations
OC9.4.5.1 Certain Power Stations ("Black Start Stations") are registered, pursuant to the Bilateral
Agreement with a User, as having an ability for at least one of its Gensets to Start-Up from
Shutdown and to energise a part of the Total System, or be Synchronised to the System,
upon instruction from NGET within two hours, without an external electrical power supply
("Black Start Capability").
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OC9.4.5.2 For each Black Start Station, a Local Joint Restoration Plan will be produced jointly by
NGET, the relevant Generator and Network Operator in accordance with the provisions of
OC9.4.7.12. The Local Joint Restoration Plan will detail the agreed method and procedure
by which a Genset at a Black Start Station (possibly with other Gensets at that Black Start
Station) will energise part of the Total System and meet complementary local Demand so
as to form a Power Island.
OC9.4.5.3 In respect of Scottish Transmission Systems, a Local Joint Restoration Plan may cover
more than one Black Start Station and may be produced with and include obligations on
Relevant Scottish Transmission Licensees, Generators responsible for Gensets not at a
Black Start Station and other Users.
OC9.4.6 Black Start Situation
In the event of a Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown, NGET will, as soon as reasonably
practical, inform Users (or, in the case of a Partial Shutdown, Users which in NGET's
opinion need to be informed) and the BSCCo that a Total Shutdown, or, as the case may
be, a Partial Shutdown, exists and that NGET intends to implement a Black Start. NGET
shall (as soon as is practicable) determine, in its reasonable opinion, the time and date with
effect from which the Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown commenced and notify BSCCo
of that time and date.
In the event of a Total Shutdown and following such notification, in accordance with the
provisions of the BSC, the BSCCo will determine the Settlement Period with effect from
which the Balancing Mechanism is suspended.
In the event of a Partial Shutdown and following such notification, the Balancing
Mechanism will not be suspended until such time and date that the Market Suspension
Threshold has been met, or deemed to have been met, in accordance with the provisions of
the BSC. NGET shall carry out the monitoring activities required by paragraph G3.1 of the
Following determination by NGET pursuant to its obligations under the BSC that the Market
Suspension Threshold has been met, or deemed to have been met, NGET shall (as soon
as practicable) inform the BSCCo of that time and date at which the Market Suspension
Threshold was met, or deemed to have been met, and the BSCCo will determine the
Settlement Period in accordance with the provisions of the BSC with effect from which the
Balancing Mechanism will be suspended.
Should NGET determine that the Total System is capable of returning to normal operation
without meeting the Market Suspension Threshold, NGET will follow the procedure given
in OC9.4.7.9.
The Black Start will conclude with effect from the time and date determined in accordance
with OC9.4.7.10.
In respect of Scottish Transmission Systems, in exceptional circ*mstances, as specified in
the Local Joint Restoration Plan, SPT or SHETL, may invoke such Local Joint
Restoration Plan for its own Transmission System and Scottish Offshore Transmission
Systems connected to it and operate within its provisions.
OC9.4.7 Black Start
OC9.4.7.1 The procedure necessary for a recovery from a Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown is
known as a "Black Start". The procedure for a Partial Shutdown is the same as that for a
Total Shutdown except that it applies only to a part of the Total System. It should be
remembered that a Partial Shutdown may affect parts of the Total System which are not
themselves shutdown.
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OC9.4.7.2 The complexities and uncertainties of recovery from a Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown
require that OC9 is sufficiently flexible in order to accommodate the full range of Genset and
Total System characteristics and operational possibilities, and this precludes the setting out
in the Grid Code itself of concise chronological sequences. The overall strategy will, in
general, include the overlapping phases of establishment of Genset(s) at an isolated Power
Station, together with complementary local Demand, termed "Power Islands", step by step
integration of these Power Islands into larger sub-systems which includes utilising the
procedures in OC9.5 (Re-Synchronisation of De-Synchronised Island) and eventually re-
establishment of the complete Total System.
NGET Instructions
OC9.4.7.3 The procedures for a Black Start will, therefore, be those specified by NGET at the time.
These will normally recognise any applicable Local Joint Restoration Plan. Users shall
abide by NGET's instructions during a Black Start situation, even if these conflict with the
general overall strategy outlined in OC9.4.7.2 or any applicable Local Joint Restoration
Plan. NGET's instructions may (although this list should not be regarded as exhaustive) be
to a Black Start Station relating to the commencement of generation, to a Network
Operator or Non-Embedded Customer relating to the restoration of Demand, and to a
Power Station relating to preparation for commencement of generation when an external
power supply is made available to it, and in each case may include the requirement to
undertake switching.
In respect of Scottish Transmission Systems SPT and SHETL will act on NGET’s behalf in
accordance with its duties under the relevant Local Joint Restoration Plan. Scottish
Users shall abide by SPT’s or SHETL’s instructions given in accordance with the Local
Joint Restoration Plan during a Black Start situation.
OC9.4.7.4 (a) Black Start following a Total Shutdown or where the Balancing Mechanism has been
suspended following a Partial Shutdown
During a Black Start situation where the Balancing Mechanism has been suspended, all
instructions to Power Stations and to Network Operators will be deemed to be Emergency
Instructions under BC2.9.2.2 (iii). All such Emergency Instructions will recognise any
differing Black Start operational capabilities (however termed) set out in the relevant
Ancillary Services Agreement in preference to the declared operational capability as
registered pursuant to BC1 (or as amended from time to time in accordance with the BC).
For the purposes of these instructions the Black Start will be an emergency circ*mstance
under BC2.9.
In Scotland, Gensets that are not at Black Start Stations, but which are part of a Local
Joint Restoration Plan, may be instructed in accordance with the provisions of that Local
Joint Restoration Plan.
(b) Black Start following a Partial Shutdown where the Balancing Mechanism has not
been suspended
During a Black Start situation where the Balancing Mechanism has not been suspended,
instructions in relation to Black Start Stations and to Network Operators which are part of
an invoked Local Joint Restoration Plan will (unless NGET specifies otherwise) be deemed
to be Emergency Instructions under BC2.9.2.2 (iv) and will recognise any differing Black
Start operational capabilities (however termed) set out in the relevant Ancillary Services
Agreement in preference to the declared operational capability as registered pursuant to
BC1 (or as amended from time to time in accordance with the BC). For the purposes of
these instructions the Black Start will be an emergency circ*mstance under BC2.9.
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During a Black Start situation where the Balancing Mechanism has not been suspended,
NGET may issue instructions to Users other than Black Start Stations and Network
Operators which are part of an invoked Local Joint Restoration Plan. Such instructions
would be Emergency Instructions pursuant to BC2.9.1.2(e)(i) subject to the requirements of
BC2.9.2.2 being met.
In Scotland, Gensets that are not at Black Start Stations, but which are part of an invoked
Local Joint Restoration Plan, may be instructed in accordance with the provisions of that
Local Joint Restoration Plan.
(c) If during the Demand restoration process any Genset cannot, because of the Demand
being experienced, keep within its safe operating parameters, the Generator shall, unless a
Local Joint Restoration Plan is in operation, inform NGET. NGET will, where possible,
either instruct Demand to be altered or will re-configure the National Electricity
Transmission System or will instruct a User to re-configure its System in order to alleviate
the problem being experienced by the Generator. If a Local Joint Restoration Plan is in
operation, then the arrangements set out therein shall apply. However, NGET accepts that
any decision to keep a Genset operating, if outside its safe operating parameters, is one for
the Generator concerned alone and accepts that the Generator may change generation on
that Genset if it believes it is necessary for safety reasons (whether relating to personnel or
Plant and/or Apparatus). If such a change is made without prior notice, then the Generator
shall inform NGET as soon as reasonably practical (unless a Local Joint Restoration Plan
is in operation in which case the arrangements set out therein shall apply).
Embedded Power Stations
OC9.4.7.5 Without prejudice to the provisions of OC9.4.7.8, Network Operators with Embedded
Power Stations will comply with any directions of NGET to restore Demand to be met by the
Embedded Power Stations.
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Local Joint Restoration Plan operation
OC9.4.7.6 (a) The following provisions apply in relation to a Local Joint Restoration Plan. As set out
in OC9.4.7.3, NGET may issue instructions which conflict with a Local Joint
Restoration Plan. In such cases, these instructions will take precedence over the
requirements of the Local Joint Restoration Plan. When issuing such instructions,
NGET shall state whether or not it wishes the remainder of the Local Joint Restoration
Plan to apply. If, not withstanding that NGET has stated that it wishes the remainder of
the Local Joint Restoration Plan to apply, the Generator or the relevant Network
Operator consider that NGET’s instructions mean that it is not possible to operate the
Local Joint Restoration Plan as modified by those instructions, any of them may give
notice to NGET and the other parties to the Local Joint Restoration Plan to this effect
and NGET shall immediately consult with all parties to the Local Joint Restoration
Plan. Unless all parties to the Local Joint Restoration Plan reach an agreement
forthwith as to how the Local Joint Restoration Plan shall operate in those
circ*mstances, operation in accordance with the Local Joint Restoration Plan will
(b) Where NGET, as part of a Black Start, has given an instruction to a Black Start
Station to initiate Start-Up, the relevant Genset(s) at the Black Start Station will Start-
Up in accordance with the Local Joint Restoration Plan.
(c) NGET will advise the relevant Network Operator of the requirement to switch its User
System so as to segregate its Demand and to carry out such other actions as set out in
the Local Joint Restoration Plan. The relevant Network Operator will then operate in
accordance with the provisions of the Local Joint Restoration Plan.
(d) NGET will ensure that switching carried out on the National Electricity Transmission
System and other actions are as set out in the Local Joint Restoration Plan.
(e) Following notification from the Generator that the Black Start Station is ready to
accept load, NGET will instruct the Black Start Station to energise part of the Total
System. The Black Start Station and the relevant Network Operator will then, in
accordance with the requirements of the Local Joint Restoration Plan, establish
communication and agree the output of the relevant Genset(s) and the connection of
Demand so as to establish a Power Island. During this period, the Generator will be
required to regulate the output of the relevant Genset(s) at its Black Start Station to
the Demand prevailing in the Power Island in which it is situated, on the basis that it will
(where practicable) seek to maintain the Target Frequency. The Genset(s) at the
Black Start Station will (where practical) also seek to follow the requirements relating to
Reactive Power (which may include the requirement to maintain a target voltage) set
out in the Local Joint Restoration Plan.
(f) Operation in accordance with the Local Joint Restoration Plan will be terminated by
NGET (by notifying the relevant Users) prior to connecting the Power Island to other
Power Islands (other than, in Scotland, as allowed for in the Local Joint Restoration
Plan), or to the User System of another Network Operator, or to the synchronising of
Gensets at other Power Stations (other than, in Scotland, those forming part of the
Local Joint Restoration Plan). Operation in accordance with the Local Joint
Restoration Plan will also terminate in the circ*mstances provided for in OC9.4.7.6(a) if
an agreement is not reached or if NGET states that it does not wish the remainder of the
Local Joint Restoration Plan to apply. Users will then comply with the Bid-Offer
Acceptances or Emergency Instructions of NGET.
(g) In Scotland, Gensets included in a Local Joint Restoration Plan, but not at a Black
Start Station, will operate in accordance with the requirements of the Local Joint
Restoration Plan.
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Interconnection of Power Islands
OC9.4.7.7 NGET will instruct the relevant Users so as to interconnect Power Islands to achieve larger
sub-systems, and subsequently the interconnection of these sub-systems to form an
integrated system. This should eventually achieve the re-establishment of the Total System
or that part of the Total System subject to the Partial Shutdown, as the case may be. The
interconnection of Power Islands and sub-systems will utilise the provisions of all or part of
OC9.5 (Re-Synchronisation of De-synchronised Islands) and in such a situation such
provisions will be part of the Black Start.
OC9.4.7.8 As part of the Black Start strategy each Network Operator with either an Embedded Black
Start Station which has established a Power Island within its User System or with any
Embedded Power Stations within its User System which have become islanded, may in
liaison with NGET sustain and expand these islands in accordance with the relevant
provisions of OC9.5 which shall apply to this OC9.4 as if set out here. They will inform NGET
of their actions and will not Re-Synchronise to the National Electricity Transmission
System or any
User's System which is already Synchronised to the National Electricity Transmission
System without NGET's agreement.
Return the Total System Back to Normal Operation
OC9.4.7.9 NGET shall, as soon as reasonably practical, inform Users and the BSCCo when the Total
System could return to normal operation. Any such determination by NGET does not mean
that the provisions of Section G paragraph 3 (Black Start) of the BSC shall cease to apply.
In making the determination that the Total System could return to normal operation, NGET,
would consider, amongst other things, the following areas:
(a) the extent to which the National Electricity Transmission System is contiguous and
(b) the integrity and stability of the National Electricity Transmission System and its
ability to operate in accordance with the Licence Standards;
(c) the impact that returning to normal may have on transmission constraints and the
corresponding ability to maximise the Demand connected; and
(d) the volume of generation or Demand not connected to the National Electricity
Transmission System; and
(e) the functionality of normal communication systems (i.e. electronic data communication
facilities, Control Telephony, etc).
In the event that the Balancing Mechanism has been suspended, it will not resume until the
start of the Settlement Period determined by the BSC Panel in accordance with paragraph
G3.1.2(d)(i) of the BSC.
For the avoidance of doubt, until resumption of the Balancing Mechanism, NGET is likely to
continue to issue Emergency Instructions in accordance with BC2.9.
Users shall use reasonable endeavours to submit Physical notifications ten hours prior to
the start of the Settlement Period determined by the BSC Panel in accordance with
paragraph G3.1.2(d)(i) of the BSC and as notified by NGET to Users, in preparation for a
return to normal operations.
In the event that the Balancing Mechanism has not been suspended and NGET has
determined that the Total System has returned to normal operation, NGET shall inform
Users and the BSCCo as soon as possible of the time and date at which (in NGET’s
determination) the Total System returned to normal operation.
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Conclusion of Black Start
OC9.4.7.10 The provisions of this OC9 shall cease to apply with effect from either:
(a) Where the Balancing Mechanism was suspended, the start of the Settlement Period
that the Balancing Mechanism resumed normal operation, as determined by the BSC
Panel and notified by the BSCCo in accordance with the provisions of the BSC; or
(b) Where the Balancing Mechanism was not suspended, the end of the Settlement
Period determined and notified by the BSCCo (in accordance with the provisions of the
BSC) and corresponding to the time and date that NGET determined that the Total System
had returned to normal operation.
Externally Interconnected System Operators
OC9.4.7.11 During a Black Start, NGET will, pursuant to the Interconnection Agreement with
Externally Interconnected System Operators, agree with Externally Interconnected
System Operators when their transmission systems can be Re-Synchronised to the Total
System, if they have become separated.
OC9.4.7.12 Local Joint Restoration Plan Establishment
(a) In England and Wales, in relation to each Black Start Station, NGET, the Network
Operator and the relevant Generator will discuss and agree a Local Joint Restoration
Plan. Where at the date of the first inclusion of this OC9.4.7.12 into the Grid Code a
local plan covering the procedures to be covered in a Local Joint Restoration Plan is
in existence and agreed, NGET will discuss this with the Network Operator and the
relevant Generator to agree whether it is consistent with the principles set out in this
OC9.4. If it is agreed to be so consistent, then it shall become a Local Joint
Restoration Plan under this OC9 and the relevant provisions of OC9.4.7.12(b) shall
apply. If it is not agreed to be so consistent, then the provisions of OC9.4.7.12(b) shall
apply as if there is no Local Joint Restoration Plan in place.
In respect of Scottish Transmission Systems where a requirement for a Local Joint
Restoration Plan is identified, NGET, the Relevant Scottish Transmission
Licensee(s), the Network Operator and Black Start Station(s) will discuss and agree
a Local Joint Restoration Plan. In addition other Users, including other Generators,
may be reasonably required by NGET to discuss and agree a Local Joint Restoration
(b) In England and Wales, where the need for a Local Joint Restoration Plan arises when
there is none in place, the following provisions shall apply:
(i) NGET, the Network Operator and the relevant Generator will discuss and agree
the detail of the Local Joint Restoration Plan as soon as the requirement for a
Local Joint Restoration Plan is identified by NGET. NGET will notify all affected
Users, and will initiate these discussions.
(ii) Each Local Joint Restoration Plan will be in relation to a specific Black Start
(iii) The Local Joint Restoration Plan will record which Users and which User Sites
are covered by the Local Joint Restoration Plan and set out what is required from
NGET and each User should a Black Start situation arise.
(iv) Each Local Joint Restoration Plan shall be prepared by NGET to reflect the
above discussions and agreement.
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(v) Each page of the Local Joint Restoration Plan shall bear a date of issue and the
issue number.
(vi) When a Local Joint Restoration Plan has been prepared, it shall be sent by
NGET to the Users involved for confirmation of its accuracy.
(vii) The Local Joint Restoration Plan shall then (if its accuracy has been confirmed)
be signed on behalf of NGET and on behalf of each relevant User by way of written
confirmation of its accuracy.
(viii) Once agreed under this OC9.4.7.12, the procedure will become a Local Joint
Restoration Plan under the Grid Code and (subject to any change pursuant to this
OC9) will apply between NGET and the relevant Users as if it were part of the Grid
(ix) Once signed, a copy of the Local Joint Restoration Plan will be distributed by
NGET to each User which is a party to it accompanied by a note indicating the date
of implementation.
(x) NGET and Users must make the Local Joint Restoration Plan readily available to
the relevant operational staff.
(xi) If NGET, or any User which is a party to a Local Joint Restoration Plan, becomes
aware that a change is needed to that Local Joint Restoration Plan, it shall (in the
case of NGET) initiate a discussion between NGET and the relevant Users to seek
to agree the relevant change. If a User becomes so aware, it shall contact NGET
who will then initiate such discussions. The principles applying to establishing a new
Local Joint Restoration Plan under this OC9.4.7.12 shall apply to such
discussions and to any consequent changes.
(xii) NGET, the Network Operator and the relevant Generator will conduct regular joint
exercises of the Local Joint Restoration Plan to which they are parties. The
objectives of such exercises include:
To test the effectiveness of the Local Joint Restoration Plan;
To provide for joint training of the parties in respect of the Local Joint
Restoration Plan;
To maintain the parties’ awareness and familiarity of the Local Joint
Restoration Plan;
To promote understanding of each parties’ roles under a Local Joint
Restoration Plan;
To identify any improvement areas which should be incorporated in to the
Local Joint Restoration Plan.
The principles applying to the establishment of a new Local Joint
Restoration Plan under this OC9.4.7.12 shall apply to any changes to the
Local Joint Restoration Plan.
NGET will propose to the parties of a Local Joint Restoration Plan a date for the
exercise to take place, to be agreed with the other parties. All the Local Joint
Restoration Plan parties will jointly share the task of planning, preparing,
participating in and facilitating the exercises, which will normally be in desktop
format or as otherwise agreed. The precise timing of the exercise for each Local
Joint Restoration Plan will be agreed by all parties, but will not be less than one
every 8 years.
(c) In respect of Scottish Transmission Systems, where the need for a Local Joint
Restoration Plan arises, the following provisions shall apply:
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(i) NGET, the Relevant Scottish Transmission Licensee(s), the Network Operator
and the relevant Generator will discuss and agree the detail of the Local Joint
Restoration Plan as soon as the requirement for a Local Joint Restoration Plan
is identified by NGET. In addition other Scottish Users, including other
Generators, may be reasonably required by NGET to discuss and agree details of
the Local Joint Restoration Plan as soon as the requirement for a Local Joint
Restoration Plan is identified by NGET. NGET will notify the Relevant Scottish
Transmission Licensee(s) and all affected Scottish Users, and will initiate these
(ii) Each Local Joint Restoration Plan may be in relation to either a specific Black
Start Station or a number of Black Start Stations, and may include Gensets at
Power Stations other than a Black Start Station.
(iii) The Local Joint Restoration Plan will record which Scottish Users and which
Scottish User Sites are covered by the Local Joint Restoration Plan and set out
what is required from NGET, the Relevant Scottish Transmission Licensee(s)
and each Scottish User should a Black Start situation arise.
(iv) Each Local Joint Restoration Plan shall be prepared by NGET to reflect the
above discussions and agreement.
(v) Each page of the Local Joint Restoration Plan shall bear a date of issue and the
issue number.
(vi) When a Local Joint Restoration Plan has been prepared, it shall be sent by
NGET to the Relevant Scottish Transmission Licensee(s) and Scottish Users
involved for confirmation of its accuracy.
(vii) The Local Joint Restoration Plan shall then (if its accuracy has been confirmed)
be signed on behalf of NGET and on behalf of each relevant Scottish User and
Relevant Scottish Transmission Licensee(s) by way of written confirmation of its
(viii) Once agreed under this OC9.4.7.12, the procedure will become a Local Joint
Restoration Plan under the Grid Code and (subject to any change pursuant to this
OC9) will apply between NGET, Relevant Scottish Transmission Licensee(s)
and the relevant Scottish Users as if it were part of the Grid Code.
(ix) Once signed, a copy of the Local Joint Restoration Plan will be distributed by
NGET to the Relevant Scottish Transmission Licensee(s) and each Scottish
User which is a party to it accompanied by a note indicating the date of
(x) NGET, the Relevant Scottish Transmission Licensee(s) and Scottish Users
must make the Local Joint Restoration Plan readily available to the relevant
operational staff.
(xi) If NGET, the Relevant Scottish Transmission Licensee(s) or any Scottish User
which is a party to a Local Joint Restoration Plan, becomes aware that a change
is needed to that Local Joint Restoration Plan, it shall (in the case of NGET)
initiate a discussion between NGET, the Relevant Scottish Transmission
Licensee(s) and the relevant Scottish Users to seek to agree the relevant change.
If a Scottish User or a Relevant Scottish Transmission Licensee becomes so
aware, it shall contact NGET who will then initiate such discussions. The principles
applying to establishing a new Local Joint Restoration Plan under this
OC9.4.7.12 shall apply to such discussions and to any consequent changes.
(xii) NGET, the Relevant Scottish Transmission Licensee(s), the Network Operator
and the relevant Generator will conduct regular joint exercises of the Local Joint
Restoration Plan to which they are parties. The objectives of such exercises
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To test the effectiveness of the Local Joint Restoration Plan;
To provide for joint training of the parties in respect of the Local Joint
Restoration Plan;
To maintain the parties’ awareness and familiarity of the Local Joint
Restoration Plan;
To promote understanding of each parties’ roles under a Local Joint
Restoration Plan;
To identify any improvement areas which should be incorporated in to the
Local Joint Restoration Plan.
The principles applying to the establishment of a new Local Joint
Restoration Plan under this OC9.4.7.12 shall apply to any changes to the
Local Joint Restoration Plan.
NGET will propose to the parties of a Local Joint Restoration Plan a date for the
exercise to take place, to be agreed with the other parties. All the Local Joint
Restoration Plan parties will jointly share the task of planning, preparing,
participating in and facilitating the exercises, which will normally be in desktop
format or as otherwise agreed. The precise timing of the exercise for each Local
Joint Restoration Plan will be agreed by all parties, but will not be less than one
every 8 years.
The provisions in this OC9.5 do not apply to the parts of the Total System that normally
operate Out of Synchronism with the rest of the National Electricity Transmission
Further requirements, including the provision of information, applying to Re-synchronisation
of De-synchronised Islands following any Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown are
detailed in OC9.5.6.
OC9.5.1 (a) Where parts of the Total System are Out of Synchronism with each other (each such
part being termed a "De-Synchronised Island"), but there is no Total Shutdown or
Partial Shutdown, NGET will instruct Users to regulate generation or Demand, as the
case may be, to enable the De-Synchronised Islands to be Re-Synchronised and
NGET will inform those Users when Re-Synchronisation has taken place.
(b) As part of that process, there may be a need to deal specifically with Embedded
generation in those De-Synchronised Islands. This OC9.5 provides for how such
Embedded generation should be dealt with. In Scotland, this OC9.5 also provides for
how Transmission connected generation in De-Synchronised Islands should be dealt
(c) In accordance with the provisions of the BC, NGET may decide that, to enable Re-
Synchronisation, it will issue Emergency Instructions in accordance with BC2.9 and it
may be necessary to depart from normal Balancing Mechanism operation in
accordance with BC2 in issuing Bid-Offer Acceptances.
(d) The provisions of this OC9.5 shall also apply during a Black Start to the Re-
Synchronising of parts of the System following a Total or Partial Shutdown, as
indicated in OC9.4. In such cases, the provisions of the OC9.5 shall apply following
completion and/or termination of the relevant Local Joint Restoration Plan(s) process
as referred to in OC9.4.7.6(f).
OC9.5.2 Options
Generation in those De-Synchronised Islands may be dealt with in three different ways,
more than one of which may be utilised in relation to any particular incident:-
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OC9.5.2.1 Indirect Data
(a) NGET, each Generator with Synchronised (or connected and available to generate
although not Synchronised) Genset(s) in the De-Synchronised Island and the
Network Operator whose User System forms all or part of the De-Synchronised
Island shall exchange information as set out in this OC9.5.2.1 to enable NGET to issue
a Bid-Offer Acceptance or an Emergency Instruction to that Generator in relation to
its Genset(s) in the De-Synchronised Island until Re-Synchronisation takes place, on
the basis that it will (where practicable) seek to maintain the Target Frequency.
(b) The information to NGET from the Generator will cover its relevant operational
parameters as outlined in the BC and from NGET to the Generator will cover data on
Demand and changes in Demand in the De-Synchronised Island.
(c) The information from the Network Operator to NGET will comprise data on Demand in
the De-Synchronised Island, including data on any constraints within the De-
Synchronised Island.
(d) NGET will keep the Network Operator informed of the Bid-Offer Acceptances or
Emergency Instructions it is issuing to Embedded Genset(s) within the Network
Operator’s User System forming part of the De-Synchronised Island.
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OC9.5.2.2 Direct Data
(a) NGET will issue an Emergency Instruction and/or a Bid-Offer Acceptance, to the
Generator to "float" local Demand and maintain Frequency at Target Frequency.
Under this, the Generator will be required to regulate the output of its Genset(s) at the
Power Station in question to the Demand prevailing in the De-Synchronised Island in
which it is situated, until Re-Synchronisation takes place, on the basis that it will
(where practicable) seek to maintain the Target Frequency.
(b) The Network Operator is required to be in contact with the Generator at the Power
Station to supply data on Demand changes within the De-Synchronised Island.
(c) If more than one Genset is Synchronised on the De-Synchronised Island, or is
connected to the De-Synchronised Island and available to generate although not
Synchronised, the Network Operator will need to liaise with NGET to agree which
Genset(s) will be utilised to accommodate changes in Demand in the De-
Synchronised Island. The Network Operator will then maintain contact with the
relevant Generator (or Generators) in relation to that Genset(s).
(d) The Generator at the Power Station must contact the Network Operator if the level of
Demand which it has been asked to meet as a result of the Emergency Instruction
and/or Bid-Offer Acceptance to "float" and the detail on Demand passed on by the
Network Operator, is likely to cause problems for safety reasons (whether relating to
personnel or Plant and/or Apparatus) in the operation of its Genset(s), in order that the
Network Operator can alter the level of Demand which that Generator needs to meet.
Any decision to operate outside any relevant parameters is one entirely for the
OC9.5.2.3 Control Features
(a) A system may be established in relation to a part of the National Electricity
Transmission System and a Network Operator’s User System, if agreed between
NGET and the Network Operator and any relevant Generator(s), whereby upon a
defined fault(s) occurring, manual or automatic control features will operate to protect
the National Electricity Transmission System and relevant Network Operator’s User
System and Genset(s) and simplify the restoration of Demand in the De-
Synchronised Island.
(b) In agreeing the establishment of such a system of control features NGET will need to
consider its impact on the operation of the National Electricity Transmission System.
OC9.5.2.4 Absence of Control Features System
If a system of control features under OC9.5.2.3 has not been agreed as part of an OC9 De-
Synchronised Island Procedure under OC9.5.4 below, NGET may choose to utilise the
procedures set out in OC9.5.2.1 or OC9.5.2.2, or may instruct the Genset(s) (or some of
them) in the De-Synchronised Island to De-Synchronise.
OC9.5.3 Choice Of Option
In relation to each of the methods set out in OC9.5.2, where a De-Synchronised Island has
come into existence and where an OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure under OC9.5.4
has been agreed, NGET, the Network Operator and relevant Generator(s) will operate in
accordance with that OC9 De-Synchronised Islands Procedure unless NGET considers
that the nature of the De-Synchronised Island situation is such that either:-
(i) the OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure does not cover the situation; or
(ii) the provisions of the OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure are not appropriate,
in which case NGET will instruct the relevant Users and the Users will comply with NGET's
instructions (which in the case of Generators will relate to generation and in the case of
Network Operators will relate to Demand).
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OC9.5.4 Agreeing Procedures
In relation to each relevant part of the Total System, NGET, the Network Operator and the
relevant Generator will discuss and may agree a local procedure (an "OC9 De-
Synchronised Island Procedure").
OC9.5.4.1 Where there is no relevant local procedure in place at 12th May 1997, or in the case where
the need for an OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure arises for the first time, the
following provisions shall apply:
(a) NGET, the Network Operator(s) and the relevant Generator(s) will discuss the need
for, and the detail of, the OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure. As soon as the
need for an OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure is identified by NGET or a User,
and the party which identifies such a need will notify all affected Users (and NGET, if
that party is a User), and NGET will initiate these discussions.
(b) Each OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure will be in relation to a specific Grid
Supply Point, but if there is more than one Grid Supply Point between NGET and the
Network Operator then the OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure may cover all
relevant Grid Supply Points. In Scotland, the OC9 De-Synchronised Island
Procedure may also cover parts of the National Electricity Transmission System
connected to the User’s System(s) and Power Stations directly connected to the
National Electricity Transmission System which are also likely to form part of the
Power Island.
(c) The OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure will:
(i) record which Users and which User Sites are covered by the OC9 De-
Synchronised Island Procedure;
(ii) record which of the three methods set out in OC9.5 (or combination of the three)
shall apply, with any conditions as to applicability being set out as well;
(iii) set out what is required from NGET and each User should a De-Synchronised
Island arise;
(iv) set out what action should be taken if the OC9 De-Synchronised Island
Procedure does not cover a particular set of circ*mstances and will reflect that in
the absence of any specified action, the provisions of OC9.5.3 will apply;
(v) in respect of Scottish Transmission Systems, the OC9 De-Synchronised Island
Procedure may be produced with and include obligations on the Relevant
Scottish Transmission Licensee(s) ; and
(vi) in respect of Scottish Transmission Systems, where the OC9 De-Synchronised
Island Procedure includes the establishment of a De-synchronised Island,
describe the route for establishment of the De-Synchronised Island.
(d) Each OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure shall be prepared by NGET to reflect
the above discussions.
(e) Each page of the OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure shall bear a date of issue
and the issue number.
(f) When an OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure is prepared, it shall be sent by
NGET to the Users involved for confirmation of its accuracy.
(g) The OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure shall then be signed on behalf of NGET
and on behalf of each relevant User by way of written confirmation of its accuracy.
(h) Once agreed under this OC9.5.4.1, the procedure will become an OC9 De-
Synchronised Island Procedure under the Grid Code and (subject to any change
pursuant to this OC9) will apply between NGET, Relevant Transmission Licensee and
the relevant Users as if it were part of the Grid Code.
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(i) Once signed, a copy will be distributed by NGET to each User which is a party
accompanied by a note indicating the issue number and the date of implementation.
(j) NGET and Users must make the OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure readily
available to the relevant operational staff.
(k) If a new User connects to the Total System and needs to be included with an existing
OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure, NGET will initiate a discussion with that
User and the Users which are parties to the relevant OC9 De-Synchronised Island
Procedure. The principles applying to a new OC9 De-Synchronised Island
Procedure under this OC9.5.4.1 shall apply to such discussions and to any consequent
(l) If NGET, or any User which is a party to an OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure,
becomes aware that a change is needed to that OC9 De-Synchronised Island
Procedure, it shall (in the case of NGET) initiate a discussion between NGET and the
relevant Users to seek to agree the relevant change. The principles applying to
establishing a new OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure under this OC9.5.4.1
shall apply to such discussions and to any consequent changes. If a User becomes so
aware, it shall contact NGET who will then initiate such discussions.
(m) If in relation to any discussions, agreement cannot be reached between NGET and the
relevant Users, NGET will operate the System on the basis that it will discuss which of
the three methods set out in OC9.5.2.1 to OC9.5.2.3 would be most appropriate at the
time, if practicable. The complexities and uncertainties of recovery from a De-
Synchronised Island means that NGET will decide, having discussed the situation with
the relevant Users and taking into account the fact that the three methods may not
cover the situation or be appropriate, the approach which is to be followed. NGET will
instruct the relevant Users and the Users will comply with NGET's instructions as
provided in OC9.5.3.
OC9.5.4.2 Where there is a relevant local procedure in place at 12th May 1997, the following provisions
shall apply:
(a) NGET and the Network Operator and the relevant Generator(s) will discuss the
existing procedure to see whether it is consistent with the principles set out in this
(b) If it is, then it shall become an OC9 De-Synchronised Island Procedure under this
OC9, and the relevant provisions of OC9.5.4.1 shall apply.
(c) If it is not, then the parties will discuss what changes are needed to ensure that it is
consistent, and once agreed the procedure will become an OC9 De-Synchronised
Island Procedure under this OC9, and the relevant provisions of OC9.5.4.1 shall apply.
(d) If agreement cannot be reached between NGET and the relevant Users after a
reasonable period of time, the existing procedure will cease to apply and NGET will
operate the System on the basis that it will discuss which of the three methods set out in
OC9.5.2.1 to OC9.5.2.3 would be most appropriate at the time, if practicable. The
complexities and uncertainties of recovery from a De-Synchronised Island means that
NGET will decide, having discussed the situation with the relevant Users and taking into
account the fact that the three methods may not cover the situation or be appropriate,
the approach which is to be followed. NGET will instruct the relevant Users and the
Users will comply with NGET's instructions as provided in OC9.5.3.
OC9.5.5 Where the National Electricity Transmission System is Out of Synchronism with the
Transmission System of an Externally Interconnected System Operator, NGET will,
pursuant to the Interconnection Agreement with that Externally Interconnected System
Operator, agree with that Externally Interconnected System Operator when its
Transmission System can be Re-Synchronised to the National Electricity Transmission
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OC9.5.6 Further requirements regarding Re-synchronisation of De-synchronised Islands following
any Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown
Following any Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown, NGET expects that it will be necessary
to interconnect Power Islands utilising the provisions of OC9.5. The complexities and
uncertainties of recovery from a Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown requires the
provisions of OC9.5 to be flexible, however, the strategies which NGET will, where
practicable, be seeking to follow when Re-synchronising De-synchronised Islands
following any Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown, include the following:
(a) the provision of supplies to appropriate Power Stations to facilitate their synchronisation
as soon as practicable;
(b) energisation of a skeletal National Electricity Transmission System;
(c) the strategic restoration of Demand in co-ordination with relevant Network Operators.
As highlighted in OC9.4.3, during a Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown and during the
subsequent recovery, which includes any period during which the procedures in this OC9.5
apply, the Licence Standards may not apply and the Total System may be operated
outside normal voltage and Frequency standards.
OC9.5.7 To manage effectively and co-ordinationordinateion the restoration strategies of the Total
System (any Re-Synchronisation of De-Synchronised Islands) following any Total
Shutdown or Partial Shutdown, requires NGET and relevant Users to undertake certain
planning activities as set out below:
(a) NGET and Network Operators shall review on a regular basis the processes by which
each Power Island will be interconnected. This is likely to cover an exchange of
information regarding the typical size, location and timing requirements for Demand to
be reconnected and also include details (ability to change/disable) of the low frequency
trip relay settings of the Demand identified.
(b) Each Generator shall provide to NGET information to assist NGET in the formulation of
the restoration strategies of Power Island expansion. This information shall be
provided in accordance with PC.A.5.7.
OC9.6.1 A "Joint System Incident" is
(a) an Event, wherever occurring (other than on an Embedded Small Power Station or
Embedded Medium Power Station), which, in the opinion of NGET or a User, has or
may have a serious and/or widespread effect.
(b) In the case of an Event on a User(s) System(s) (other than on an Embedded Small
Power Station or Embedded Medium Power Station), the effect must be on the
National Electricity Transmission System, and in the case of an Event on the
National Electricity Transmission System, the effect must be on a User(s)
System(s) (other than on an Embedded Small Power Station or Embedded Medium
Power Station).
Where an Event on a User(s) System(s) has or may have no effect on the National
Electricity Transmission System, then such an Event does not fall within OC9 and
accordingly OC9 shall not apply to it.
OC9.6.2 (a) (i) Each User (other than Generators which only have Embedded Small Power
Stations and/or Embedded Medium Power Stations) will provide in writing to
NGET, and
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(ii) NGET will provide in writing to each User (other than Generators which only have
Embedded Small Power Stations and/or Embedded Medium Power Stations),
a telephone number or numbers at which, or through which, senior management
representatives nominated for this purpose and who are fully authorised to make
binding decisions on behalf of NGET or the relevant User, as the case may be, can
be contacted day or night when there is a Joint System Incident.
(b) The lists of telephone numbers will be provided in accordance with the timing
requirements of the Bilateral Agreement and/or Construction Agreement with that
User, prior to the time that a User connects to the National Electricity Transmission
System and must be up-dated (in writing) as often as the information contained in them
OC9.6.3 Following notification of an Event under OC7, NGET or a User, as the case may be, will, if it
considers necessary, telephone the User or NGET, as the case may be, on the telephone
number referred to in OC9.6.2, to obtain such additional information as it requires.
OC9.6.4 Following notification of an Event under OC7, and/or the receipt of any additional information
requested pursuant to OC9.6.3, NGET or a User, as the case may be, will determine whether
or not the Event is a Joint System Incident, and, if so, NGET and/or the User may set up
an Incident Centre in order to avoid overloading the existing NGET or that User's, as the
case may be, operational/control arrangements.
OC9.6.5 Where NGET has determined that an Event is a Joint System Incident, NGET shall, as
soon as possible, notify all relevant Users that a Joint System Incident has occurred and, if
appropriate, that it has established an Incident Centre and the telephone number(s) of its
Incident Centre if different from those already supplied pursuant to OC9.6.2.
OC9.6.6 If a User establishes an Incident Centre it shall, as soon as possible, notify NGET that it has
been established and the telephone number(s) of the Incident Centre if different from those
already supplied pursuant to OC9.6.2.
OC9.6.7 NGET's Incident Centre and/or the User's Incident Centre will not assume any
responsibility for the operation of the National Electricity Transmission System or User's
System, as the case may be, but will be the focal point in NGET or the User, as the case
may be, for:
(a) the communication and dissemination of information between NGET and the senior
management representatives of User(s); or
(b) between the User and the senior management representatives of NGET, as the case
may be,
relating to the Joint System Incident. The term "Incident Centre" does not imply a
specially built centre for dealing with Joint System Incidents, but is a communications focal
point. During a Joint System Incident, the normal communication channels, for
operational/control communication between NGET and Users will continue to be used.
OC9.6.8 All communications between the senior management representatives of the relevant parties
with regard to NGET's role in the Joint System Incident shall be made via NGET's Incident
Centre if it has been established.
OC9.6.9 All communications between the senior management representatives of NGET and a User
with regard to that User's role in the Joint System Incident shall be made via that User's
Incident Centre if it has been established.
OC9.6.10 NGET will decide when conditions no longer justify the need to use its Incident Centre and
will inform all relevant Users of this decision.
OC9.6.11 Each User which has established an Incident Centre will decide when conditions no longer
justify the need to use that Incident Centre and will inform NGET of this decision.
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